Supplemental Watershed Plan Documents (WSP) – These types of documents can be either internally or externally generated reports (RPT) or documents (DOC) and are used to support watershed management or wastewater planning (e.g., WWTF permits and water quality assessments). Generally, these documents don’t require Board action. Requests may be made for these documents, which will be then linked on the Web Site.
BMP1 Recreational Use Access Management Membership
BMP2 Manure Composting
RPT01 Freshwater Mollusks
RPT02 New Zealand Mudsnail BMP
RPT03 BCW T&E Species by County
RPT04 Bird Evergreen Audubon AtlasReport2012
RPT05 Birds BcwMap_March2014
RPT06 Birds BcwMap_March2014
RPT07 BCWA Clean Lake Study Text only
RPT08 Bear Creek WA111 DRCOG Clean Lakes Study
RPT09 Bear Creek WA112 Appendices
RPT10 Clean lake summary
RPT11 Fire Forest Outcomes Report
RPT12 Wildfire and WS BMPs
RPT13 CBC Watershed Report V1
RPT14 CBC Watershed Report V2
RPT15 CBC BBI Report Finalb
RPT16 Zones of Concern Fire Study
RPT17 RiverRunoffDiagram2015
RPT18 State ISF Map
RPT19 Why ISF Program Works Good For CO
RPT20 2011 UMC Aquifer Study
RPT21 Map BCW Public Lands Parks Open Space
RPT22 Mt Evans Conservation Project - web
RPT23 2014 Myrtle spurge
RPT24 Aquatic Plant Poster
RPT25 Eurasian watermilfoil
RPT26 Eurasian Watermilfoil Handout
RPT27 Orange hawkweed
RPT28 Purple loosestrife
RPT29 WetlandPlantsOfColorado_P1
RPT30 Groundwater Study wri03-4034
RPT31 Bear_Creek_Lake_Master_Plan
RPT32 EA_Bear_Creek_Lake_Master_Plan
RPT33 1880+Idaho+Springs+History+booklet[1]
RPT34 CCC ISDS Regulations
RPT35 Managing Stormwater to protect WR
RPT36 CCC Mountain Roads handout
RPT37 CCC Stormwater Commercial
RPT38 CCC Stormwater Home Sites
RPT39 CCC Upper Mountain GWS
RPT40 CCC_CWPP_rpt_compressed
RPT41 JeffCo dragonfly birds and frogs
RPT42 JeffCo fertilizer-flyer
RPT43 JeffCo ISDS on tanks
RPT44 Mtn const post constr ESC BMPs
RPT45 small_site_erosion
RPT46 conifer_cp
RPT47 conifer_dg
RPT48 E39Information Mt Evans Elk Herd
RPT49 2011 Tri-Lakes Sedimentation Studies
RPT50 23MRB_TriLakesAC2001
RPT51 Corps 2001 Sediment Study
RPT52 Sediments and Reservoir Quality
RPT53 Cross_Vane_W-Weir_and_J-Hook_Structures
RPT54 ResSedHandbook1_01[1]
RPT55 Rosgen_Geomorphic_Channel_Design
RPT56 Protecting_Front_Range_Forest_Watersheds
RPT57 Mountain Groundwater OD
RPT58 Evergreen fpd cwpp report
RPT59 planning & zoning demographics TP
RPT60 Watershed Health Toolkit
RPT61 LBC Watershed Plan_08192014
RPT62 OWTS 2014 Septic System Revision Regulation JC
RPT63 OWTS Regulations 7.25.14 CCC
RPT64 OWTS Regulations 7.25.14 CCC
RPT65 planning-and-zoning-demographics-at-a-glance
RPT66 planning-and-zoning-demographics-county
RPT67 cyanotoxins-fact_sheet-2015
RPT68 factsheet2012 recreational waters EPA
RPT69 microcystins-report-2015
RPT70 Watershed cross-program
RPT71 Wildfire and WS BMPs
RPT72 Potential effects of forest disturbances on water resources in warmer climate
RPT73 Final Pathogens Paper August 2014
RPT74 ANS Waterfleas Facts 9-15#1
RPT75 CLRMA 2015.HAB Guidance Document
RPT76 T1_WQCC_Policy10-1 Aquatic Life Use Attainment
RPT77 Policy 06-1-2014 Temperature Criteria WQCD
RPT78 Harmful Algal Bloom Management Steps
RPT79 climate_resilience_evaluation_and_awareness_tool
RPT80 Evergreen-community-plan
RPT81 Buchanan001 Fishery Survey