The Association is responsible under the State of Colorado Bear Creek Control Regulation #74 for implementation of the Bear Creek Management Plan. The Association has the power under Colorado law to develop, recommend and adopt provisions for water quality management within the Bear Creek Watershed. The Association provides an integrated, holistic water quality management and implementation program to protect or attain established beneficial uses of waters as established by the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission within the Bear Creek Watershed.
Plan Integration
Planning Integration - The Association integrates its watershed program at the local, county, state and federal levels. The Association is a referral agency for land use development applications submitted to Jefferson and Clear Creek Counties, and rarely Park County. Additionally, there are several agencies and groups that can be consulted in the watershed planning and implementation processes. The Association will also integrate its watershed plan with other local and state planning programs (e.g., county comprehensive plans, community plans, State Water Plan, SWQMP, and Source Water Protection Plans). The Association has determined that an integrated water quality and watershed planning program has six different levels of involvement (tiers). The BCWA doesn’t perceive this planning process as hierarchical, rather integrated see BCWA Policy 29 BCWA Integrated Planning Program.
Our Purpose
Our Purpose - The Association works with Clear Creek, Jefferson & Park Counties. We review development proposals for water & environmental quality implications. We promote sound land use decisions and encourage good land stewardship. Our water & environmental protection policies & guidelines can help in the review process. We support advanced wastewater treatment at all actively permitted treatment plants in the watershed, improved onsite wastewater (septic system) management, sediment and erosion control, protection of the watershed fisheries, nutrient & pollution controls, adopted water quality standards and classifications & preservation of our vital watershed resources.