The BCWA supports community outreach, public involvement, informational events, educational programs, Earthday activities, and training efforts within the Bear Creek Watershed. BCWA promotes increased awareness about the protection of water quality and the preservation of water and environmental resources within the watershed.
BCWA assists local schools with water resources, watershed management and environmental classes, programs & projects.
BCWA manager and membership are available to make presentations to watershed groups, organizations and outside agencies or groups as requested.
The Association has developed watershed 101 and 102 training programs designed specifically for the Bear Creek Watershed. These programs are going virtual in 2020 and will be available as webinars.
The outreach and education program is a component of the integrated planning strategy (BCWA Policy 29 - BCWA Integrated Planning Program). The strategy identifies the public in the watershed as an essential outreach group. The public includes, but is not limited to, interested individuals, homeowner associations, middle and high school students, civic groups, and environmental groups or clubs (e.g., Evergreen Trout Unlimited, Evergreen Audubon Association, Ducks Unlimited, Friends of Mt. Evans Wilderness). The BCWA watershed planning program integrates with appropriate planning agencies and water quality/environmental affiliated groups.
The outreach program includes a general education and information newsletter called the Pinnacle, which is electronically sent periodically to a large group of interested people within the watershed.
The BCWA designed and placed eleven signs in the watershed (BCWA Fact Sheet 9 Geo-Locate Sign Project, two were taken). This geo-locate education program is intended as educational adventure to produce a new generation of Watershed Warriors. Each sign has GPS coordinates that show where the upstream and downstream signs are found from the present position. The first sign at the entrance to a Jefferson County School Out-door Learning Facility. Each sign has site specific message and there are different watershed animals shown on each sign.
ED01 Bear Creek Watershed 101 General Course Outline
ED05 BCWA Education Assistance Program Middle School
ED08 Healthy Streams List