Bear Creek Reservoir Control Regulation #74 (5 CCR 1002-74) The Association helps implement the State of Colorado regulation that has water quality goals, assigns wasteload allocations to wastewater treatment plants, requires nutrient management, requires a monitoring program, and calls for the Association membership to use control strategies to protect all classified waters and uses within the Bear Creek Watershed.
Other Colorado State water quality regulations that affect the Association management programs:
Regulation 22: Site Location and Design Approval Regulations for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Works
Regulation 31: The Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surface Water
Regulation 38: Classifications and Numeric Standards for South Platte River Basin
Regulation 43: On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Regulation
Regulation 85: Nutrient Management Control Regulation
Regulation 93: 303(d) List of Impaired waters and monitoring list of parameters of concern
The Water Quality Control Commission is authorized by sections 25-8-202(1)(c) and 25-8-205, C.R.S. to promulgate control regulations which describe prohibitions, standards, concentrations, and effluent limitations on the extent of specifically identified pollutants that any person may discharge into any specified class of state waters.